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Tech Talk by Cognizant Softvision

Tech Talk by Cognizant Softvision

Mos Nicolae vine cu cadouri de la   Cognizant Softvision. Vineri, pe 6 decembrie, la FILS, in CB020, 12-14, vino la prezentarea tehnica sustinuta de expertii de la Cognizant Softvision: How to become a Full-Stack developer. Case Study in NodeJs”! Mai multe surprize te asteapta!

Scurta descriere a prezentarii!

Did you hear about front-end developer, back-end developer, but what about the full-stack developer? In this session, we will talk about what technologies you would need to know in order to be a full-stack developer and at the end, we will show you how to create a small web server using NodeJs.

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